home ec

I started going to school in tenth grade. I know, I’m a late bloomer. As you all know, prior to that, I spent my childhood being homeschooled. My first semester in school, I received a 4.0. I found it to be extremely easy. My second semester, I signed up for home ec. “An easy ‘A,'” everyone would say. I was sure that was right: all As were easy for me then.

In home ec, I had to make a quilt. And then pajama pants and then a pillow. I spent the whole semester on that damn quilt, and when it was finished, it was half the size of everyone else’s. It was a crib size quilt. I rushed through the pajama pants and never made it onto the pillow. For the dinner I was required to make the class, I made banquet chicken out of the box.

Our school had grade check every six weeks. Grade check ensured you could stay enrolled in your extra-curricular activities. Grade check came around and I received an “F” in home ec. An “F.” Much to my teammates excitement, I was kicked off the tennis team. I had to spend my afternoons after school in that home ec room, finishing my damn quilt.

I love homemade things. I wish I could whip up a nice quilt to use in the basement. I saw the most adorable first baby book made like twenty different quilt squares and then embroidered and I wanted to make one for my friend Melinda’s baby Asher. I saw a stocking with a dog and I wanted to make it for Tucker. But anytime the creative mood strikes me, I think of home ec and how it just ain’t happening. I’m not a domestic woman. Even if I was homeschooled for 10 years.

4 thoughts on “home ec

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  1. i always see crafty things and think “i could do that” but then i remember i'm not really that crafty. which is why i have 4 drawers full of crafty products and whats its that i have never used.

  2. i always see crafty things and think “i could do that” but then i remember i'm not really that crafty. which is why i have 4 drawers full of crafty products and whats its that i have never used.

  3. Hmm…that must have been after I quit teaching home ec and moved up into the high school building! I'm sure I never failed anyone–not even on a grade check! Such a soft touch. Had you had me, I'm sure you would be crafting now instead of reading these blog comments!

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