starting over again

I am two weeks from moving again, this time into a home I bought all by myself with no man, no help from anyone and it feels empowering in a way but also, I stand weeping in the home I'm still in sometimes, exhausted. This is the fourth time in just over five years my... Continue Reading →


I keep thinking about writing, keep contemplating coming back to it. I am a lapsed writer. There was a time when I wrote and read and read and wrote. I was in school and I wasn't working full-time and my children and my craft were my priority. My children are still my priority. But the... Continue Reading →

This year

has been unprecedented, of course. But it's had some lovely little moments. I'm finding joys in domesticity. My kids are the age of board games and reading chapter books and piecing together puzzles and walking to the park or the lake and beside that baby cuddling (which yes, I crave again with every ounce of... Continue Reading →

Q220 songs

It has been a season of songs on repeat, which I guess all seasons are for me, really. I read something about how people with anxiety rewatch the same shows because they know what to expect and how it will end and I don't know if that translates to music, maybe it's more of an... Continue Reading →


What I never expected to find during quarantine was community. The boys and I live in a second-floor apartment with a building on each side of ours and three additional buildings behind ours which are so close, all I can see from my office window are bricks. The courtyard between our building and the other... Continue Reading →


I spent today pushing my cart around Target, thinking about how I could put into words who Chad is when I got home. I was going to write twice: something long here and something short on my Instagram. But I started writing on IG and it turned long and then I had lost all my... Continue Reading →

working during coronavirus

I've been underemployed for awhile now. By awhile I mean over six years. As long as I've had Holden, I have either not worked or pieced together gigs intermittently. Last year, when Holden started Kindergarten, I thought for a second about getting an office job. But I wasn't willing to give up my slam poetry... Continue Reading →


It was Saturday night, the night of my latest noise complaint, that I was piecing together a puzzle while I listened to a CD and texting my sister about tea that I first learned the word hygge. The noise complaint was probably the result of my CD player being turned up loud so I could... Continue Reading →

with an empty wish

I've been watching this baby each morning and the two of us have found a rhythm now. It's been years since my children were babies but I remember now how hard it was to just have dinner made and be showered by 5:30 each evening. I remember again what it's like to take care of... Continue Reading →

rooms to tidy

If you're lucky in a life, you get the opportunity to reconstruct it. I am here, surveying my life. I am finding what to make better. I often do this in my home: look around the rooms, find what can be cleaned or tidied or consolidated or organized. Finally I am doing it in my... Continue Reading →

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